Flower Carpet®

Flower Carpet® Red Rose

An incredibly prolific bloomer that provides vivid color from spring until winter. Forms a low mound, covered with velvety, carmine red flowers with bright yellow centers. Highly disease resistant foliage emerges with a red tinge and matures to dark green with burgundy edges. Perfect for massing or as a large-scale groundcover. Deciduous.

Flower Carpet® Scarlet Rose

This fuss-free rose produces a profusion of brilliant, scarlet red flowers. Blooms from spring through fall – up to ten months in warm climates. Glossy, dark green foliage is mildew and black spot resistant. Highly adaptable, an excellent choice for borders, pots, and hanging baskets. Stunning when massed as a groundcover. Deciduous.

Flower Carpet® White Rose

A fuss-free shrub with sparkling white blooms over an extra long flowering season. Resistant to mildew and black spot, and quite tolerant of drought once established. Exceptionally versatile for use along borders, as a groundcover, and in pots and hanging baskets. Carefree in full sun, or partial shade in the hottest of climates. Deciduous.

Flower Carpet® Pink Rose

This easy-care groundcover rose with vibrant, hot pink flowers provides stunning color for up to ten months in warmer climates, with no deadheading or fancy pruning needed. Exceptional disease resistance means no need to spray. Ideal in landscape borders, mass plantings or in containers on patio or terrace. Deciduous.

Flower Carpet® Yellow Rose

A fuss-free, flowering shrub that produces large sprays of attractive yellow flowers that will not fade in the sun. A mid-season bloomer that repeats throughout the season. This mildly fragrant, disease resistant rose is tolerant of heat and mild drought once established. An exceptional choice for containers and landscape. Deciduous.

Flower Carpet® Appleblossom

Glossy green foliage and pastel pink blooms arranged in large clusters are exceptionally disease resistant. Self-cleaning and simple to maintain – no need for fancy pruning or deadheading. Elegance and versatility perfect for massing along borders and on banks, or for decorative pots and hanging baskets. Deciduous.

Flower Carpet® Amber Rose

A profusion of soft red rosebuds open to lovely, semi-double, peachy amber blooms, that fade to a seashell pink as they age. The blossoms are fragrant – a first for the Flower Carpet® series of easy care groundcover roses! Excellent heat and humidity tolerance. Beautiful in containers, or in mass plantings in the landscape. Deciduous.