Gardner & Bloome Organics

Mix Gardner & Bloome organic planting mixes and soil amendments with soil to improve poor soil conditions. This proven organic compost includes no harmful synthetic chemicals, creating a better environment for plant growth and health. The Organics line is created with a blend of natural composted ingredients and is excellent for planting.

FoxFarm is passionate about producing the finest soil mixes, fertilizers, and micro-brewed liquid plant foods. Our formulas are greenhouse tested to ensure quality and consistency. FoxFarm takes great pride in delivering uncompromising quality and supreme customer service. We have supplied this consistency to our customers since 1984.
Malibu Baby Bu's Compost

Love, compassion, gratitude and dairy cow manure, manger straw, wood chips, Biodynamic preparations: homeopathic concentrations of yarrow, chamomile, valerian, stinging nettle, dandelion, and oak bark, plus a healthy dose of cosmos. Read more here.

Garden Valley Premium Potting Soil is the perfect all around container soil. Formulated and used by professional growers; custom blended with Canadian sphagnum peat moss, composted bark fines, pumice, compost, and perlite. Use Garden Valley Premium Potting Soil for all indoor and outdoor containers when a light weight and well draining potting media is needed. Made in Eugene, Oregon.
Hazelnut Shells

Hazelnut shells can be used as mulch in the garden. Their extremely hard exterior slows decomposition in wet soil, and their sharp edges deter slugs and snails. The shells can also be used to create beautiful garden pathways and unique garden beds.